Sunset Park Community DER Analysis Phase 1
Introba provided design analytic services for Sunset Park Community DER Analysis Phase 1 in Brooklyn, NY, United States.
The Sunset Park Community DER Analysis preliminary study began a greater planning effort, establishing potential pathways to reduce local air pollution from peaker plants and redirect payments for power generation back into the community.
In New York City, highly-polluting power generating facilities known as peaker plants produce electricity when demand exceeds normal levels – primarily during the summer when residents and businesses turn up their air conditioning during heatwaves. Overwhelmingly, peaker plants run on fossil fuels, operate without modern pollution control equipment, and are located in or adjacent to communities of color and low-income communities. These facilities contribute to chronic respiratory illnesses among the city’s most vulnerable populations.
This project aimed to establish the theoretical potential of various distributed energy resources (DER) strategies to reduce peak demand, assess the overall impact of DER strategies on peaker plant operation, and identify areas for further analysis and research. The Design Analytics team created a model that assumed 8% roof photovoltaic (photovoltaic) totaling 71MW, plus 80MW applied battery storage. In this scenario, the models estimated a 32% peak reduction.
Project Highlights
Establishes pathways to reduce local air pollution from peaker plants and redirects payments for power generation back into the community
Peaker plants run on fossil fuels, operate without modern pollution control equipment, and are located in or adjacent to communities of color and low-income communities
Peaker plants contribute to chronic respiratory illnesses among the city’s most vulnerable populations
Project establishes the potential of distributed energy resources (DER) strategies to reduce peak demand