University of Georgia | Health Sciences Campus
The newly acquired Health Sciences Campus for the University of Georgia is the former US Navy Supply Corps School campus in Athens, Georgia.
This campus is approximately 56 acres with a current mixture of residential, instructional, administrative, recreational, and support facilities, totaling approximately 400,000 ft² of building space. Currently, the campus is in the first four planned building and site renovations phases.
The University of Georgia campus is expected to accommodate approximately 2,000 faculty, student, and staff occupants. Later, the campus is likely to include new facilities to add research activities on the campus, moving toward the implementation of the University’s Vision Plan.
Introba (formerly Integral Group) completed a conditions assessment of each utility with a capacity evaluation of those utility systems which serve renovated structures identified in the four-year build-out plan. The schematic phase and locational mapping include a system modeling for each existing utility system. Introba recommended future utility systems to serve facilities with a proposed system modeling and life cycle cost analyses.