
Terminal Renewal Improvement Program (TRIP)

Terminal Renewal Improvement Program (TRIP)

Dallas, Texas
United States

Picture this: a CMAR (Construction Manager at Risk) project. The challenge? Keeping terminals and technology systems running smoothly during renovations.

Introba served as the Master IT Systems consultant for the phased infrastructure enhancement of Terminals A, B, °C, and E for the $2.72 Billion, 4.000.000 sf Terminal Renewal Improvement Program (TRIP). This CMAR project required keeping an active terminal and technology systems operational during phased renovation and involved two different Program Managers and similar but different A/E teams. Along those same lines, two different CMARs were responsible for dividing terminals. The migration of new technologies for many systems required the legacy systems in areas to be maintained until the renovation was complete. We maintained constant communications between the Engineers, Stakeholders, and Construction Teams to identify lessons learned from the early phases and provide mitigation strategies to prevent them from reoccurring.

Initial planning efforts and ultimate design included the following IT & Security Systems

  • Automated Access Control System

  • Closed Circuit Television System

  • Fire Alarm System

  • Public Address/Voice Evacuation System

  • Radio Systems

  • Master Antenna Television System

  • Uninterruptible Power Supply

  • Electronic Visual Information Display System

  • Mobile Check-in Program Initiation

  • Baggage Handling

  • Baggage Reconciliation

  • Auto Docking System

  • Telephone System

  • Wireless Infrastructure

  • Premise Distribution System

  • Local Area Network

Major Scope Items/Challenges Overcame

There were two main challenges with this project. First was the phasing of the project to maintain service and access to the majority of the terminal and have as minimal impact on the public as possible. Second, due to the large footprint associated with the TRIP project, separate design teams were assigned to different a terminal.

Client Benefits

We ensured the work being performed was consistent between the design teams, and standards were created for use by the engineers/designers. Additionally, reviews (QA/QC) were performed for each terminal package by a team member working on a separate terminal to ensure that the systems were applied correctly and consistently throughout all terminals. The result was the terminals presented the same look, feel, and operation without evidence that different design teams produced the design.