Kavita Gusain Appointed to WELL Community Advisor

Congratulations to Associate Kavita Gusain on her induction as a WELL community advisor. WELL community advisors have the opportunity to shape the WELL Building Standard actively, demonstrating an advanced, holistic approach to health in the built environment addressing behaviour, operations, and design.
What is WELL?
The WELL Building Standard is a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and well-being through air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind.
WELL is managed and administered by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), a public benefit corporation whose mission is to improve human health and well-being through the built environment.
The Importance of WELL Certification
Traditional sustainability certification programs focus heavily on energy, water, and waste. The WELL Building Standard emphasises the overall health and well-being of the building’s users.
Studies show that user-centric built environments can positively affect hospital patient outcomes, student learning, and worker satisfaction.
What are WELL Advisories?
WELL advisories inform the continuous development and ongoing implementation of the WELL Building Standard™ (WELL™) and the creation of a healthy building research agenda. They are subject matter experts, researchers, practitioners, and industry leaders across many fields committed to advancing the global healthy buildings movement through their voluntary participation as an advisory.
Supporting Our Clients’ Health and Wellness
We have long focused on energy-conscious designs and sustainability to support these environments, and the WELL certification is an extension of this philosophy. We are pleased to work with a framework that provides comprehensive, science-based methodologies for designing spaces to enhance the occupant’s health and well-being.
"It is a pleasure to be involved with WELL as an advisor. WELL Building standards are very focused on providing healthy environments, which aligns with my advocacy of health and well-being for the community. In this new advisory role, I hope to contribute to a healthy community." - Kavita Gusain, Associate
Contact Kavita to learn more about the WELL Building Standard.