Ohana Adolescent Behavioral Health Facility

Montage Health is building the Ohana Adolescent Behavioral Health Facility to provide support to children and families who feel isolated. In the United States, one in five adolescents may have a diagnosable psychiatric disorder.
In Hawaiian, ohana means family, whether chosen, adoptive or blood-related.
The large windows on each façade of the mass timber facility could negatively impact building energy consumption, a particularly challenging design problem. Introba (formerly Integral Group)’s design team targeted a difficult balance between lower Annual Energy Usage Intensity (EUI) while meeting OSHPD Level 3 air exchange requirements. The team also modeled different shading devices and Window Wall Ratios (WWR) to guide the design, including shading overhangs and fins. Introba evaluated the comfort feasibility of utilizing a radiant heating/cooling+ DOAS system for the non-OSHPD area. OSHPD ventilation was achieved via two Air Changes per Hour (ACH) outside air ventilation and four ACH total minimum airflow.
The resulting design will provide Ohana Adolescent Behavioral Health Facility with a replicable, healthy, and comfortable space through passive strategies and efficient HVAC systems while achieving OSHPD requirements for healthcare facilities.
Image Credit: NBBJ