
Peel Region: Energy and Emissions Management Plan

Peel Region: Energy and Emissions Management Plan

Peel, Ontario
A downtown area of a city in Peel, Ontario, as seen at night

Our team developed a portfolio-wide energy and emissions management plan (EEMP)for the region's housing agencies.

The Region of Peel engaged our team for this EEMP to guide the housing program areas (125 buildings) towards a building retrofit strategy that contributes to Peel achieving its corporate greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

The plan had to balance satisfactory performance in different areas, including:

  • Interventions in each of the buildings in the stock had to be planned and assessed individually, based on the building characteristics, such as archetype or system type
  • Proposed decarbonization measures had to be appropriate for the buildings in the portfolio, seeking a satisfactory balance between GHG performance and cost
  • Portfolio-wide GHG emissions had to be reduced sufficiently to meet the targets for 2030 and 2050
  • The cost of decarbonization had to be spread over time to avoid peaks in cash flow requirements
  • Decarbonization projects had to be spread over time to ensure that the region has sufficient project management resources and to minimize occupant disruption

Our team developed a model in order to recommend a best-value scenario for the region. We worked on a Power Bi interface to allow the Region of Peel staff to develop sensitivity analyses and explore modeling inputs and results in different ways, from portfolio-level aggregate GHG emissions to building-level measure implementation schedule and cost.

The plan achieves the GHG target thanks to a strategic acceleration of decarbonization measures, grouping measures in bundles or holistic building retrofits when the conditions are right for energy, GHG, and implementation synergies as well as efficiency in project management resources.