
UCL Roberts

UCL Roberts

United Kingdom

This project is the replacement and upgrade of services providing heating, cooling and ventilation to a number of dry labs in the UCL Roberts building used for mechanical engineering research.

The existing system was designed for much smaller energy loads and is not able to cope with the additional equipment and subsequent heat load created, resulting in inherent overheating issues.

We have taken an audit of the equipment in the labs and how the researchers use it to identify what the energy and heat load range is in the space. Our feasibility report recommends that the department connects to the existing centralized chilled water circuits in the building, as well as upgrade the air handling unit to make it more efficient, and additionally install cooling coils so that the air can be treated to the correct temperatures before it reaches the labs. Supplementary fan coil units may also be required for larger spaces, and Individual temperature control would be installed in each individual lab.

To connect to the existing centralized chilled water circuits we are looking at routing the branch pipework through from the central riser, while also ensuring minimal impact on other parts of the building while works are carried out.