Wellpoint Data Center

To support Wellpoint’s customer support mission, one of the main features of the facility is the data center, which is comprised of approximately 25,000 ft² and is designed to expand to 55,000 ft².
This area contains distributed network processing and mainframe batch processing equipment, the Network Operations Center (NOC), and data storage facilities. The building is equipped with an electronic direct digital control (DDC) and building automation system (BAS), which controls all functions of the HVAC systems and provides monitoring of the HVAC systems, UPS systems, stand-by, and emergency generator systems, computer room air-conditioning systems, and the building’s fire protection systems.
The data center expansion involved adding raised floor area to provide additional space for servers and mainframes. The project complexity was challenging due to the aggressive schedule (design started in August with a February completion) and a minimal shutdown window (Friday night until Monday morning) of the existing data center to test and bring the new systems online.