Simon Fraser University Shrum Chemistry Fume Hoods Upgrade

We provided mechanical engineering and consulting services for this project on the Burnaby, Canada, campus
Our team worked with Simon Fraser University (SFU) to retrofit its existing constant volume fume hoods as variable ones. To do so, we assessed room pressure zones, minimum room ventilation requirement, and the controls.
In order for the chemistry labs to maintain operation during the upgrade, we did the work over phases. Once complete, the upgrade, which included Phoenix valves, resulted in a 10% annual energy saving and a 17% annual reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions for the university.
We began the variable air volume (VAV) fume hood upgrade study with an energy study that evaluated the energy efficiency potential of converting the two position fume hoods to variable flow exhaust while maintaining constant face velocity along sash travel.
During the energy study and detailed design, our team assessed rooms and pressure zones where such a retrofit provided an energy benefit, the applicability of each fume hood for this upgrade based on chemical lists, and the design parameters of the variable flow control sequence, including minimum airflow and face velocity requirements to meet WorkSafeBC requirements and ANSI standards.
We also conducted a review of the fume hood exhaust air systems (venturi air valves and exhaust fans) and general exhaust air systems and supply air systems (VAV boxes and venturi air valves) to maintain pressurization and directional airflow.